You Get A TLB Membership and So Much More!
With your $49.99 TLB Membership, you have access to:
On third Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm ET we get together live via Zoom to discuss our monthly topic/theme. And the best part... members get access to ALL past Masterminds in the Learning Center (and that's growing every month)!
Each month TLB releases a couple of quick five-minute videos that relate to the monthly M&M topic, or possibly a question from our Telegram channel or Community conversations.
Our online private community runs on the platform (similar to our own Facebook - but without the privacy issues)! For quick questions or instantaneous responses we have our own private Telegram Channel as well!
LinkedPERKS is a partnership with StrategyCorps and based on their BaZing app. We've got our own app for TLB members, which includes different ways to save money and live smarter!
Once you've purchased your membership a super comfy TLB T-Shirt will magically show up in your mailbox. Just make sure you fill out the order form after you purchase so we know what size to send.
Once you have purchased your membership let us know if you are interested in an exclusive TLB badge for your LinkedIn profile! We will take your original photo and add the specialty badge to show off to your network.
In addition to the monthly mastermind sessions, TLB community members get exclusive access to expert industry thought leaders and bonus live sessions where we tackle a variety of different topics or questions.
Each month The LinkedBanker community members are provided challenges on specific topics to accomplish that relate to the monthly mastermind (and are designed to help make you a smarter banker and out of your comfort zone).
Our founder and chief mentor is a 15-year "recovering" community banker turned digital strategist with a passion for the industry. He's got a ton of information to share and you you can book a complimentary 30-minute session to pick his brain.
Are you ready to take control of your personal branding efforts and get the most out of your time online? Join your peers today! We offer a 60-day money guarantee, so you can give it a try for two months to make sure it's right for you.
However, once you're in, we know you're going to want to stay!
*Note: To activate LinkedPERKS you'll need an authorization code, which will be provided to you upon completion of your registration and formal membership.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - The LinkedBanker is not affiliated in any way with the professional social network LinkedIn. The LinkedBanker is an entirely separate mentoring and mastermind community focused on bringing banking professionals and and those serving the banking industry together to support one another in learning ways to connect, engage, and build relationships online. We explore "linking" and networking opportunities across all of the relevant social networking platforms.